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Our Services


Who can attend FunFeats?

We work with children as young as 6 months all the way up to adolescents. They could have developmental delays, learning and/or attention difficulties. They can also have Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD), Social-Emotional Challenges, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Cerebral Palsy (CP) and/or Down Syndrome.


Do you serve adults?

Yes we do, we work with adults with physical and neurological conditions such as Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Spinal atrophies.



Do you need a diagnosis?

No, we are keen to help as long as you identify any concerns from the following list or any others:

  • Sensory Processing Difficulties

  • Delayed Motor/Skill Development

  • Visual-perceptual Challenges

  • Handwriting Difficulties

  • School Functioning Challenges

  • Attention Deficits

  • Academic Performance

  • Poor Play Skills

  • Social emotional management

  • Seating and Postural issues

  • Upper limb rehabilitation (splinting recommendations, CIMT, FES)



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